Quality Care Approval Scheme
Terms and Conditions
Code of Conduct
1. We will publish a code of conduct for the Quality Care Approval Scheme.
2. The relevant code of conduct forms part of the terms and conditions.
Scheme Criteria
1. We will publish scheme criteria for the Quality Care Approval Scheme.
2. The relevant scheme criteria forms part of the terms and conditions.
Social Media Policy
1. We will publish scheme criteria for the Quality Care Approval Scheme.
2. The relevant scheme criteria forms part of the terms and conditions.
Conditions of Approval
Approval by the scheme is subject to the following conditions
1. You will comply with the relevant code of conduct.
2. You will only provide services for which you are qualified, experienced, competent and suitably equipped.
3. You will comply with legislation applicable to your business activities including any requirements to register with a regulatory body.
4. You will provide clear information as to the cost, or how the cost will be calculated and a description of services prior to starting delivery of services.
5. You will have adequate procedures, including training to ensure the safety and wellbeing of customers and other persons.
6. You will have adequate procedures, including training to ensure you comply with safeguarding principles at all times.
7. You will inform QCAS if a Safeguarding alert has been raised about yourself.
8. You will have adequate insurance including public liability and business car insurance to cover your business activities.
9. You will not cold call.
10. You will respond appropriately to all customer complaints and maintain a suitable record of complaints received and action taken.
11. You will inform QCAS of any customer complaints.
12. Where you subcontract the Service, you will ensure that they are approved under the QCAS scheme and that they comply with the relevant terms and conditions of such scheme.
13. You will respond fully and truthfully to our reasonable requests for information.
14. You will comply with reasonable guidance as provided by us.
15. You will ensure you have an Enhanced DBS Certificate with a minimum of 12 months validity from the of approval or to have a subscription to the live update DBS service
DBS and Police checks containing positive disclosures of criminal conviction will not be progressed.
16. You will advise us of any change of circumstances that may result in you failing to meet the requirements of the scheme.
17. You will provide evidence of training in the following subjects: Food Hygiene, Health and Safety, Infection Prevention and Control, Mental Capacity Act, Fire Safety, Manual Handling – Client Handling, Safeguarding Adults, Safeguarding Children, Medication, Basic Life Support (First Aid), Fluids and Nutrition, Deprivation of Liberties Safeguarding, Equality and Diversity, Communication, Dignity, Person Centred Care, Reporting and Recording, Oral Health, Positive Behaviour and non-restrictive practice.
18. You ensure that you are trained in the following subjects and training is updated within 3 years of date of training: Food Safety, Health and Safety, Infection Prevention and Control, Mental Capacity Act, Fire Safety, Fluids and Nutrition, Deprivation of Liberties Safeguarding, Equality and Diversity, Communication, Dignity, Person Centred Care, Reporting and Recording, Oral Health, Positive Behaviour and non-restrictive practice.
19. You ensure that you are trained in the following subjects and training is updated within 1 year of date of training: Manual Handling – Client Handling, Safeguarding Adults, Safeguarding Children, Medication and Basic Life Support (First Aid)
20. You will complete adequate Risk Assessment to perform your role safely for the safety and wellbeing of your service user and yourself and anyone who may be affected by your acts and omissions.
21. You will provide written references as required in the format requested and agree that they may be shared with potential Service Users upon their request.
22. You will provide all documents as requested for the purposes of checking identity
23. You may use an approved third-party Identity Verification Service for the purposes of identity checking
24. You will provide documents as requested for the purposes of checking eligibility to work in the UK.
25. In the event your approval is unsuccessful or revoked the fee is not refundable.
1. You agree to pay for one year of membership at the annual cost for your membership.
2. For certain membership plans, you may have the option to pay the fee in installments by Direct Debit. Should the Direct Debit or membership be canceled you will be invoiced for the remainder of the annual cost.
1. Renewal under the scheme is required every 12 months.
2. You will need to provide your Unique Tax Reference Number (UTR) at the time of your first renewal.
3. You will need to provide one further reference from a service user supported in the preceding 12 month period.
4. You will ensure you have an Enhanced DBS Certificate with a minimum of 12 months validity from the of approval or to have a subscription to the live update DBS service
DBS and Police checks containing positive disclosures of criminal conviction will not be progressed.
5. You must continue to have met all criteria of the scheme at all times to be considered for renewal.
6. Any feedback, complaints and concerns held will be reviewed.
7. Any renewal fees due must be paid for renewal.
Benefits of Approval
1. Provide you with a digital ID badge
2. Recognition of your commitment to providing safe, high quality support to those that use your services
3. Provide you with a certificate of approval.
4. Approval to be listed on the QCAS website Live Status checking service
5. Mandatory Training (defined by Skills for Care) – Provided by Total Training Solutions & Consultancy LTD
Public Liability Insurance – Provided by Mark Bates Insurance. Active whilst your membership is active, however if for any reason your membership is suspended or expires, then the insurance will no longer be valid.
7. DBS LIVE update service – You must set up the LIVE update service within 30 days of issue
8. Any benefits, special offers and discounts that may be offered by our supporters
Breaches of the Terms and Conditions
1. We will notify you if we consider that you are not complying with the terms and conditions.
2. We will notify you if we receive any concern or complaint about your services
3. We will inform the police, safeguarding board and / or nescessary authorities as appropriate for the nature of the concern.
4. In the event where the police, safeguarding or nescesary authority are involved. QCAS will suspend the approval until an outcome has been reached.
5. We will discuss with you what you need to do in order to comply and agree the steps you should take and a date by which these steps should be taken.
6. We may, if we are unable to reach an agreement with you as to what you need to do in order to comply with the terms and conditions or if you fail to take the agreed action, suspend or terminate your approval.
7. If we terminate or suspend your QCAS approval your right to use the Quality Care Approval Scheme ID badge will be withdrawn.
8. If you are registered with a 3rd party that subscribes to the QCAS live checking service, they will be informed if your approval is withdrawn
9. You must inform your service users that your approval has been terminated.
10. The QCAS logo should not be used without the explicit permission of the Quality Care Approval Scheme